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  • Computer Technician & Mobile Phone Technician Harrow and Hillingdon , London, England
    Hi, I'm looking for a job. I am a Romanian citizen, resident in Italy for more than 13 years and I had my company where I used to work as a repairer of PCs, Macs and iPhones at hardware and software level, website...
  • Assistenza PC e MAC a Domicilio - Greater London Harrow and Hillingdon , London, England
    Sono un tecnico con più di 10 anni di esperienza, si offre per riparazione computer a 360 gradi e garantisce riservatezza e educazione. HARDWARE Riparazioni hardware più complicati come per esempio sostituzione chip video dei difettosi macbook pro 15 pollici 2011,...
  • I am looking for a job as a Van Delivery Driver for UK and UE Harrow and Hillingdon , London, England
    I am looking for a job as a van delivery driver (Cat B). They are available to transport goods from hubs to hubs, long journeys across the UK and even to Europe. I have a driving license for almost 5 years and...
  • Tradefloor Desktop and Hardware Support job wanted in Milan, Italy Lambeth , London, England
    Hi, I'm looking for a job. I am a Romanian citizen, resident in Italy for more than 13 years and I had my company where I used to work as a repairer of PCs, Macs and iPhones at hardware and software level, website...